Play therapy is a form of therapeutic intervention that helps children develop the communication skills to express their needs, their wants and their wishes, in a developmentally appropriate and sensitive way.
“Toys are their words and play is their language”
– Landreth, G. 1991
Play is natural for a child. Play therapy provides a modality for children to process their emotions in a safe space. It can bring children a new level of lightness and joy as they reframe their inner world to develop better skills of self-awareness, problem solving, self-regulation, empathy and self-esteem. Creatively engaging both the right brain and left-brain hemispheres, the subconscious merges with the conscious to allow the child to process their emotions on a somatic level.
Therapy is on a one-to-one basis or small groups through modalities such as clay, sand, music, art and puppets. Anna's expertise helps children become more self-aware through a light-hearted approach at looking at their feelings and emotions, discovering fun and humour along the way.